How to Stay Motivated to Exercise: Three Tips to Keep You Fit!

Sometimes, even though we know all the logical reasons why we really should exerciseour health, our confidence levels, our energy levels, the better mood it puts us inwe find it harder and harder to get out there and stay fit. At the end of the day, when were tired and drained from work, exercise can feel like a chore. 

If you find yourself at the bottom of one of these fitness slumps, these three tips will give you the jumpstart you need to get you back on track:

1. Instead of working exercise around your schedule, make it part of your schedule.

The #1 reason most of us stop exercising is because we dont have time. Were constantly trying to juggle our workouts around nine-to-five jobs, long commutes, time with our loved ones, and just the daily grind of LIFE. A lot of the times it feel like there just isn't enough hours in the day(I know I've found myself thinking that lately, especially with working 10 hours/day.) 

This is a legit issue that has nothing to do with most people being lazyor looking for excuses. The average person really is this busy, and struggles to find any time for his or her self during the week. And, when people do find that little bit of metime, do we really want to spend it running on a treadmill?

The secret here is to slip exercise into your daily schedule so that you’re not adding it to the list of commitments you're already juggling. When you watch your favorite show, for example, commit to doing 15 crunches during the commercials. Walk somewhere to get a coffee during your lunch hour. Bring light weights to work and use them while waiting on calls. Get creative—busy as we are, we still waste a lot of time waiting, while we could be active.

2. Turn time with family into active time.
Exercising bores a lot of people, & makes them lose focus. Gyms can be boring, and many of us don’t love spending hours alone with treadmills and weight machines—especially when we’re often already short on time to spend with those we care about as it is. Fitness goals then easily take a back seat, and then we're off the wagon again.

There's always ways to get creative. Instead of doing the same old stuff like taking your girl to the movies again, go for a long, romantic walk in the park(most females appreciate the simple things in life.) Some of the best inspiration to keep fit WITH your significant other.
"A couple that exercises together, stays together."

3. Make it fun!
If you look at the above example, it’s all about making exercise into a positive experience, and encouraging accountability by getting other people you're committed to involved. Even if you live alone, you can join an online fitness group to help keep you motivated. Make sure to mix up your exercise routine to keep it fresh, join a fitness support group of some kind—get out there and get involved! The more accountability you have and the more fun you make exercising, the more likely you are to stick to it.

What's your best tip for staying motivated?? Share it below in the comments.

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