So we find a new diet or fitness routine, we get all amped up, we get started, and then a month later we're back to our old ways of being lazy or inconsistent with the things that are going to help us reach our goals.... has this happened to you?
I know it has more than a few times in my life... Perfect example; I had owned P90x for about a year(starting and stopping about 3 or 4 times) before I was actually able to stick to it.
Fast forward 90 days of doing my P90x workouts consistently and drinking shakeology every day without skipping - I was down 45lbs, and literally felt 10 years younger, and my whole life began to change!!
What was the difference this time around? My WHY!
Some of you are thinking.... "whats that?". Let me break it down... your WHY is that one reason deep down inside of you, that NO MATTER WHAT!.. (despite all the times you didn't follow through in the past) this time is going to be different!
My WHY was being so embarrassed with my body that it was holding me back in life from being able to feel comfortable in certain social situations... At the time, I was living in Vegas and would always get invited to pool parties. Whenever I would get an invite, all kinds of anxiety would creep in stopping me from being able to just go have fun and not be embarrassed to take my shirt off.
When you find you WHY, you'll know it. And it'll have you reaching all kinds of new levels in your life you never would have in the past.
I want to challenge you to take some time to really, really think about and find your WHY. What's that number one reason that's going to make this time different?? That's going to make you stick to your routine NO MATTER WHAT, and not let your Excuses(aka - well planned lies) stop you.
Tips For Finding Your WHY:
1) Make It Emotional! The more emotionally attached you are to it, the more likely it is to keep you going when you want to give up.
2) Tell Someone About It. Tell a close friend what your goal is, and share your WHY with that person. It should be someone you trust that won't judge your Why.
3) Make It Real. Just like setting a Goal, it isn't real until you write it down. Write it out in as much detail as possible, and put it somewhere you can see it every day as a reminder.
I knew as long as I let my excuses get in my way I'd continue feeling like I'm not living up to my full potential. Don't wait as long as I did. Find your WHY, stay focussed on it, and follow through!
For 20 Diet Tips You Can Start Using TODAY! Download your copy of my FREE eBook now!
For 20 Diet Tips You Can Start Using TODAY! Download your copy of my FREE eBook now!
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