3 Tips For Instant Accountability To Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Why is accountability so important for your fitness goals?? 

I wanted to share one of the biggest keys to my fitness success.

If you're like I was, you like to do things on your own without anyones help. I get it!

Fitness is one of those things that, you can go in with all the right intentions... be all fired up, and fall right off a few weeks later. Then, wonder why you're not seeing any results. Trust, I been there.

For me... when I know that other people know what Im trying to accomplish, it bumps my motivation up like 10 levels!!! It pushes me to keep going, and succeed.

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3 ways you can get some extra accountability:
1) Announce your goal on social media
2) Tell your friends family
3) Let all your co-workers know

When I started p90x I let all my friends know and my neighbors & roommates kept me accountable. Every day I thought about how it would be whack to let everyone down if I just quit.

The result - I completed the hardest workout program I ever tried, and lost 45 pounds in my first 90 days. The limit to what I thought I could do was gone like a glass ceiling being shattered.

Since then, my whole life has been different.

Accountability works!!

~ Jay

P.s... did you get your FREE eBook yet??

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