Ever Feel Like You're Not "Good Enough?"

"I'm not good enough…"

That's a though that I've battled for pretty much all my life.

Where I came from, I wasn't really expected to do much in life.

The only "successful" people I knew that came where I came from were rappers; LL Cool J, 50 Cent, A Tribe Called Quest(for you old school hip hop fans) to name a few, ball players and that's pretty much it!

So, it was just easy for me to use that excuse most of my life as to why I couldn't get ahead and, at the end of the day it's ME that has to believe I deserve more in life.

You that have to really have that hunger to fight for more and fight for what you know you deserve.

What you know deep, deep down inside that you deserve.

It really starts with You. You have to believe it without a shadow of a doubt.

You have to have a burning desire inside of you, like a fire that can't be put out. Because on your way to trying to obtain success or whatever your goals are, it's a fight!

There's gonna be a ton of people telling you that you can't. People that don't believe in your dreams. People that don't see your Vision, and keep in mind. Those people that don't see your Vision, they're not supposed to.

Just keep your blinders on, stay focussed on what you know you want out of life, and the rest just kind of falls into place.

And also, you have to mix that up with a LOT of hard work. So whatever your passion is. Whatever you see yourself going in life, you just have to do something, ANYTHING to build towards that every single day and remember that no success happens overnight.

“You don’t set out to build a wall. You don’t say ‘I’m going to build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall that’s ever been built.’ You don’t start there. You say, ‘I’m going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid. You do that every single day. And soon you have a wall.”  -Will Smith

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