
Learn to Respect Your Own Time

I know how frustrating and time consuming it can be to when people come to you with all of their problems.

Are you the "go-to" person for your friends for life, relationship or personal advice?

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be there for people, but when you're trying to take your life to the next level, you don't have time to waste!

The truth is, if you don't value your own time, you can't expect anyone else to.

Something that has helped me get focussed, put more attention on my own life, and avoid everyone else's drama around me is to start phasing out certain people and things that aren't helping me to get where I'm going.

Especially with social media, it makes it even easier for people around us to complain about all the things not going good in their lives.

One thing I know for sure, is that if you're focussed on what everyone else's problems, you'll never get where you're trying to go.

I'm not saying that you have to cut off all of your friends and the people you care about. What I am saying is that you can start to spend less time/energy on everyone else's problems.

When people start to see that you're less available for them to dump their issues on, they'll stop looking to you every time something goes wrong and you'll have more time to focus on what really matters to YOU!

Respect your time and others will too.

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