We've all heard that you are the equivalent of the 5 people you associate with the most.... I couldn't agree more with this statement.
There's basically 3 types of people in our lives. Choosing your "Starting 5" is crucial to either how far you go in life, or how stuck in the same situation you are in life. There's those who lift you up, those who bring you down, and those who just ride for you no matter what. Take moment to think who you're surrounding yourself with on a daily basis.
The bringer-downder. This person can't seem to find anything positive to say, and their negative energy is bound to rubb right off on you. If there's someone in your life that's constantly dragging you down, telling you what you CAN'T do, and is just like a black cloud in your blue sky...
you want to make sure you spend as little time/energy on this person as possible. Basically, they don't have anything good to bring to your life. And... if you let them, they'll talk you out of every aspiration and dream you've ever had. People like this want you to stay the same, because they're afraid that if you change you'll no longer want to be around them. Plus, seeing you change for the better often makes people around you take a long, hard look at themselves in the mirror.
The lifter-upper. This person genuinely wants to see you get ahead in life. They're always there to lift you up, speak life into you, and make you beleive that you're capable of much bigger things than you currently beleive you are. I've been lucky enough to have several of these people help me along my journey. Although, it wasn't really luck... I strongly feel that if I wasn't so set on leaving my comfort zone back in Queens, NY almost 7 years ago, I'd possibly still be stuck doing the same old stuff, with the same people, and not growing to my full potential. Do whatever you need to do to surround yourself with people who want to see you get ahead and that can actaually help you get there.
The rider. This person is just always there for you through thick and thin, no matter what. I think it's important to have these kinds of people in your life as well. They're usually neither trying to really get ahead in life, but at the same time they're not doing bad in life either. They'll give you good advice, slap you up-side the head when necessary, and keep it real with you at ALL times. These people are especially good to have when we get a little TOO ahead of ourselves. They are the people in your life who know that you're a beautiful rose rising up from the concrete, and they are there for you whether you're BALLINNN' or barely getting by.
If you're not sure who is who, the main thing to do is always follow your gut. If something deep down inside is telling you that you need to spend less time with certain people, take it as a sign. Find people who have similar interests and goals, and do whatever it takes to be around them.
In life, you are who you surround yourself with.
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