
15 Reason You Can't Give Up Now!

We've all faced some pretty hard times... we've had those moments where giving up seemed like the only option, and somehow we pushed through. The next time thing get hard remember:

"Never give up on seomthing you can't go a day without thinking about."

Never Give Up

Here's 15 reasons to stick with it and keep giving it all you've got!

1) You've worked so hard to get where you are now. Think about it...everything you've ever done in your life has led you to this point. Why give in now just because things got hard or didn't go down the way you thought they would?

2) They're depending on YOU! Yup... there's future generations depending on you to pass down all the
lessons you've learned and show them the best way to navigate this thing called Life.

3) Someone's always watching. You might not know it, and you may not even get credit for it... but I bet you there's someone out there that has been inspired to do something because of something you said or did. Keep setting the right example. You never know who's life you could change.

4) You were chosen! You're alive and breathing right?! That means you were put on this Earth a reason. One that you might not even be aware of. There's a destiny that you were picked for waiting to be fulfilled.

5) You want more out of life. You know there's something amazing down the road for you, don't you?... stay patient and keep working hard at whatever you're doing.

6) You have gifts. There's something special about you. Gifts that are unique to you, and only you. Waiting to shown to the World.

"The wealthiest place on the planet is the graveyard. Because in the graveyard we find inventions that we were never exposed to, ideas and dreams that never became a reality. Hopes and aspirations that were never acted upon." ~Les Brown

7) Your parents want to see you succeed. They've invested in you, sent you to the best schools they could afford at the time, and did the best job at raising with what they had. Even if they don't always show it, they want to see you do bigger and better things than they were ever able to.

8) Give up is for chumps... And I know you're NOT about to go out like that!

9) You still have more in you. In those moments where you think there's nothing left, and you just want to call it a wrap, dig deeper! There's strength in you that's never had the chance to come out. Whatever you do, just give it all you've got!

10) You'll be labelled a quitter. Maybe not to anyone else, but YOU know that you quit. That's not a good feeling at all. Especially if you know you could have done better.

11) You'll be stuck wondering "what if?" thing I really don't like is that feeling of looking back with regrets, wishing I would have just taken a chance when an opportunity presented itself.

12) Opportunity doesn't always knock twice. You have the opportunity to do something GREAT with your life. Take advantage when it comes knocking on your front door.

13) It's the easy way out. Sure, you could give up now and take the easy way out. But, nothing in life really worth anything comes easy. So, all that hard work you're putting in will be worth it.

14) Because you want to be different! Most people, by default, take the path of least resistance. By you making it this far in the article, I know that's not you. I know that you want more out of life and you're willing to do whatever it takes!

15) You can't let ME down! I'm here doing my best to encourage you to live up to your full potential. Don't let me down! I'm counting on YOU.

What's 1 thing you're proud of yourself for accomplishing? What obstacles did you have to overcome to get there? Share below in the comments!

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