10 Proven Ways To Be Happier

Here's 10 proven ways to be happier!!!

At the end of the day, the thing we all want more of is happiness! Here's my best tips to find more of it no matter what's going on in your life.

1. Get outside.
Get out of the house into the sun can make you feel happy, positive, and more connected to the world. Especially if you work from home like me, getting out of the house for fresh air often is a must! Even 15 minutes a day will put you in a better mood.

2. Get your sweat on.
Obviously I'm a big fan of exercise. Making time workout does a lot more than just make you look better. Exercising itself may not make you feel happier, but you can't deny that post-workout "high". That's one of the best feelings in the world! Working out has tons of benefits both physically & mentally.

3. Sleep more.
A mid-day power nap(my favorite thing in the world), or a full night’s sleep(8 full hours)… either one goes a long way for feeling happier. Not sleeping enough makes you feel sluggish and leads to you feeling less optimistic.

Also, skipping out on sleep can cause us to eat larger portion sizes and hurt your productivity. Overall day-to-day quality of life can be tied back to the amount of sleep you're getting.

4. Meditate.
Coming from Jamaica Queens, NYC, I definitely wasn't open to the idea of meditation in the past. Mainly because I really closed-minded at the time. Meditation will help to quiet all the noise buzzing around in your mind, reduce stresst, and just make you feel happier overall. There's a TON of other benefits that go along with meditating regularly(even just 10 min/day)

If you've been wanting to learn more about meditation and aren't really sure to start, check out this free app called Headspace.

Turn up the music.
Jamming out to upbeat music helps to reduce stress—which leads to greater happiness in general. 

Get a new hobby.
Challenging yourself to learn a new skill can definitely lead to loving a happier(and more FUN) life. I picked up a new hobby a few months back training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Even though it was totally out of my comfort zone, it's been he best decision I've made in a while!

Some benefits that come with a new hobby is making new friends, gaining a new skill, and more self-confidence. Pick something that interests you and run with it!

7. Have an attitude of gratitude.
You woke up this morning, right?! That alone is a reason to be grateful. I think too many times we're looking for the big, huge victory to be grateful. But, when you get into the habit of looking for things to be grateful for everyday... by default, you'll start to see yourself living a more positive and happier life.

Writing down even one sentence of gratitude a day can boost feelings of happiness.

8. See the glass as half-full.
If there’s one thing that goes hand-in-hand with happiness, it’s optimism. People who think positively are less likely to feel depressed, more productive at work, and just healthier than everyone around them.

The #1 thing that keeps me thinking positively is spending 15-20 minutes first thing in the morning to read something positive. If you want positive messages texted right to you every morning check out Darren Daily, it's really good!

9. Get stuff done.
Since it prevents us from accomplishing goals, procrastination drains happiness. Try to avoid putting off stuff and start taking action! We feel so much happier when we're being productive and getting stuff done. I used to be a chronic procrastinator. When you get into the habit of DOING instead of THINKING, that's where you'll feel your best.

How To Increase Focus and Get More Done.

Plus, when you set goals and accomplish them, it makes you feel a sense of purpose and boosts your self-esteem.

10. Save money.
Putting money aside for emergencies gives us a sense of security, lowers stress, and makes us feel more in control. Even if you only put away a small amount every week, it ads up! That sense of security will automatically make you feel happier.

"Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof!" -Pharrell Williams

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