Pretty much everything you attract into your life starts with your thinking.
If you think more positive then your life will be more positive as a result.
So, how do begin to start thinking more positive TODAY??
1. Be aware of your Thoughts. I think this is a good place to start, because the more aware you are of the leading thoughts in your mind, the better you can start to change them.
When you catch a negative thought running through your head, I want you to CHALLENGE that thought and replace it with a positive one... one that lifts you up instead of bringing you down.
2. Surround yourself with who you want to be. I talked about how much of a HUGE impact this has on your life in a recent video. At the end of the day, you are who you surround yourself with. Yup! Even on social media.
If your Facebook feed is full of DRAMA and people complaining, naturally it's gonna start to have a negative effect on you and your thoughts.
3. Create Goals. Having goals that you’re working towards will have you waking up every single day with that FIRE in your belly!! As you get closer to those goals, you'll start to feel better about yourself and you'll start looking at your life more positively.
*Goal Setting TIPS:
- Make them Specific!(the more specific the better)
- Set a Date - Make it realistic, but also set a date that will stretch and challenge you
- Make a Vision Board - cut out pictures from a magazine and put them on a cork board to paint a picture of what your life in the future looks like
One of my mentors Chalene Johnson has a easy goal setting system. She'll show you how to set a "PUSH Goal."
4. You need a Morning Routine. Think of the first hour after you wake up as the foundation to your day. You're waaay more likely to have a good day if you start it off on a positive note. Here's how I start my day.
4. You need a Morning Routine. Think of the first hour after you wake up as the foundation to your day. You're waaay more likely to have a good day if you start it off on a positive note. Here's how I start my day.
Feel free to make your own morning routine and don't let anyone interrupt that time. That's YOUR time!
5. Watch Inspiring YouTube Videos. There's a TON of dope videos out there that can get you fired up or turn your mood around. If you don't know of any, just search and type in the word "motivation"
Check out these 50 inspiring videos that touched the Internet's heart in 2014
6. Get out the House! I know for me, when I was battling with depression, I didn’t even want to be around people. I would just stay in the house and be miserable all by myself. All that really did was make me MORE lonely and my negative thoughts would get the best of me.
If you don't have many friends, OR if you're looking to start surround yourself with new ones check out
Also, with apps like LivingSocial it's not hard to find new and exciting this to do even on a tight budget.
7. Exercise. You already know how important this is, and you know how good it makes you feel. I don't even need to speak on this one.
All I know is... since starting my fitness journey I've been so much happier, less stress, more Confidence, and totally comfortable in my own skin(which to me is PRICELESS!)
8. Listen to upbeat Music. The only reason I say upbeat is because I know when i'm down, all I wanna do is listen to music that matches my mood. BUT, the whole point here is to go from being "blah" about life, to being more positive!!
So, get some upbeat music that you can't even stay still to. You know the song that comes on and you just have to dance!
9. Meditate. Let me start by saying, I know how weird the thought of meditating probably sounds. Prior to starting I was like.... "nah, I'm good on that."
My boy Ryan put me on to it a few years ago, and when I got the hang of it, I finally realized how much I NEEDED it! I'm not gonna list all the benefits, but how Russell Simmons talks about it in his book "Success Through Stillness: Meditation Made Simple" made a lot of sense to me.
I'm a lot more stress free now and can actually control my thoughts a lot better. If you don't really know where to start, check out the Headspace app(Free). All of my friends who have tried it always thank me for telling them about it!
10. Eat Healthy. Have you ever heard the saying "Happiness is an inside job"? This definitely applies for what you're putting in your body every day.
I bet if you eat healthy for 5 days you'll already start to feel so much better about yourself, have more energy, and you might even lose a few pounds which will give you more self-confidence!
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