Chase your Dreams but Enjoy the Ride

We all have goals we're trying to accomplish in life. Maybe you want to own a successful business, travel the world, or maybe it's to be healthy and get in your best shape. Whatever it is, don't forget to focus on the small, day to day steps that get you to the big goal. These tips will help you enjoy the ride on your way to making your dreams a reality.

Be patient

Being a naturally driven person, I've always had big goals, but have struggled with never satisfied with where I was. Like when I left New York. That alone was a HUGE accomplishment for me, because not too many people that come where I'm from in Queens ever leave. I had expected my entire life to change overnight, but I've had to really learn to have patience. And that everything is a process.

Happiness over everything

When my dream of making millions of dollars and traveling the world didn't happen overnight(nothing worth having does,) I started to slowly realize that focusing only on the big goal was a setup for being unhappy. I've always been a happy person overall and always put a positive spin on everything, but there were definitely times where my emotions would get the best of me. I found myself getting frustrated, and I was left 10-20% of the time feeling unsatisfied.

Your day-to-day happiness is everything!! There's no goal worth having if it makes you miserable along the way.

Attitude of gratitude

I've learned to put Purpose to my dreams, focusing less on the outcome and more on the impact I have on people. Every time someone tells me that I've helped them achieve a goal or change their life in some sorta way, I realize THAT is what it's all about. To this day, I still have to remind myself to stay focussed on the present and to be grateful in the moment, but I'm getting better at it each day.

Your time is going to come but you have to appreciate the little things and be grateful for what you ALREADY have.

Take a deep breath, appreciate the steps you’ve taken today, this week, this month, this year.

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